


Creating means experimenting with chance. 

Everything began in 1983, obviously by chance. I had forgotten to fix a Polaroid photograph and had gone on holiday. On my return three months later - surprise! - the Polaroid was gilded and mirroring. I liked the effect so much I decided to make a work of it, indeed vari­ous experiments and works which I later called oxidations.

I soon grasped that oxidation of a black and white Polaroid is caused by exposure to air and light for a variable period of time (from a month to about a year) so that it takes on a gilded, metallic and mirroring aspect, all but irreproducible. The result changes according to atmospheric agents, the climate, light and degree of humidity of the place, the quality of the initial image and, last but not least, according to chance: a series of fortuitous events, unplanned and unexpected, which nonetheless trigger my awareness of a creative process.