The main idea of this work was to build a “bridge” – through a photographic exchange – between some gypsies who live in Milan and their relatives who have remained at home in Romania. For this reason we contacted a community of rom of Costei, a small rural village near Timisoara, now living in a parking lot near the main cemetery located on the outskirts of Milan. With their permission we photographed them and we brought their portraits to their families living in Costei. Subsequently, we repeated the same operation by photographing the members of the family living in Costei and once again by bringing their portraits back to Milan. The video documents a double exchange of photography by putting together images taken in Milan with those taken in Costei. However, this parallelism is not only a question of representation. Instead, it regards the reality of the place. Infact, from the particular point of view of the rom Milan resembles Costei. The “discovery” which the video permits does not have a local value but instead a general one. Substantially, the discovery consists in understanding that what modifies itself is not so much the life of the rom in contact with “western civilization” but the peripheral areas of the large western cities which come into contact with the rom. In this manner the physical spaces on the edge of the metropolis in which we live and which we feel it belongs to us appear not only modified but even determined by the presence of the gypsies and other “non E.C. community members” (that is regarding those who feel “strangers”), in such a manner that certain spaces are comprehensible exclusively in light of this “point of view”. We learned more in Romania of the periphery of Milan than by living nearby.